Following the destruction of her hometown, Buffy traveled around Europe, where she created her "army" of newly activated Slayers. Due to her combat skills, an Asian Slayer named Satsu became her most trusted fighting companion. When Amy Madison cast a spell on Buffy, she was transported to her dreamscape, a mystical plane where she was told all of her dreams existed. There, she saw an image of a dream about her past lovers Angel and Spike. The dream featured both men naked and holding her, wrapped in chains and surrounded by cupids. Buffy wore a nurses outfit and a Claddagh ring (which artist Georges Jeanty added on his accord, and explained: "Joss had descried the whole scene (in vivid detail) and when I was putting in the little details I put the ring on Buffy. I had it with the heart pointing in because at least in her mind, Buffy was committed to one of them (or both..?)