This fake friendship is clearly not unknown
Invisible hellos hung on motionless air all alone
Lost dignity deepens with every heartless soul
My friend, yellow roses'll bloom the day you'll truly smile at all.
Fresh mornings stink with dead silent glares
I'm beyond done trying to balance out this nightmare
Tied up conversation will not help us get past,
Barriers we've created from our jealous scars
Look at us! Took lost to find ourselves
We took a step too deep into the woods
Turned into Benedict Arnolds
Compromise? It's too late to think we could
We walk side by side, all for the sake of company
And everything is just so hollow, it's pure vanity
We insult each other, and I hate that it makes us feel good
I may seem to be made of rocks, but I'm not that show off kind of good
And we've both changed from four years ago
Change is never meant to be pretty
Pain drives out blood from your ego
People don't change until it hurts, what a pity!