hat’s where I hope this list will help. If you want to find us, here’s where some of us are. No list can ever include all Asian American women writers — which is part of the point — but it’s a place to start.
According to HUD, the number of people on the streets and in shelters on a single night in January has fallen for the past four years straight. Even more remarkably, the category that HUD terms chronic homelessness — people with mental or physical disabilities living without a home for extended periods, or repeatedly — has dropped 30 percent since 2007, even as the nation went through a severe recession.
But there’s also another story about homelessness in America, told by a report from the National Center for Family Homelessness, that shows a record number of children are now homeless. That’s based on data from the Department of Education, which measures homelessness quite differently from HUD. Instead of just surveying streets and shelters, the DOE includes anyone who’s living doubled-up, couch-surfing with friends or extended family. Because of that, the scale of the problem depends on which source you’re looking at — almost 1.3 million homeless students by the DOE’s count, compared with HUD’s point-in-time estimate of 578,424 homeless people of all ages.
Still, the way the two sets of numbers are trending reflects something kind of mind-boggling: As a nation, we may be on our way to solving the problem of homelessness for the toughest people to serve. Yet, at the same time, homelessness is on the rise among a separate group of people, with problems that seem, on the surface, much simpler.
That veteran who used to sleep under a bridge? There’s a good chance he now has his own place, with access to health care and counseling. But meanwhile, a mom with a couple of kids down the street has moved in with her sister’s family, and one more fight over shared bedrooms could send them looking for somewhere else to stay.The way that last part repeats, year after year,nounced the murders and expressed sympathy for the bereaved on the other side of the thin blue line. His daughter Emerald Garner laid a wreath at the site of the police murders two days later.
“I just had to come out and let their family know that we stand with them, and I’m going to send my prayers and condolences to all the families who are suffering through this tragedy,” she told ABC News. “I was never anti-police. Like I said before, I have family that’s in the NYPD that I’ve grown up around, family reunions and everything so my family you know, we’re not anti-police. Walmart pays execs big bonuses despite poor performances and low wages.
A May report in the New York Timesrevealed that Walmart made what it called “adjustments” to the company’s sales in order to give its CEO his bonus. William Simon was only supposed to receive a bonus if sales grew by two percent. But they didn’t. He walked away with a $1.5 million bonus anyway. As ThinkProgress pointed out, this means a CEO can get an 11 percent bonus for a poor performance while the highest bonus a Walmart employee could receive is 8 percent. One Walmart worker in California said the highest bonus you could receive in her store was 60 cents a year. The average Walmart worker makes around $25,000 a year.An Incomplete List of Asian American Women Writers Who Have Published at Least One Book of Fiction
What do you mean by “Asian”?
If the writer self-identified as Asian or was identified to me as such, I included her.
What do you mean by “American”?
If the writer has/had a significant presence in the U.S. (was born here, moved here, works here, etc.) I included her regardless of nationality.
What do you mean by “women”?
hat’s where I hope this list will help. If you want to find us, here’s where some of us are. No list can ever include all Asian American women writers — which is part of the point — but it’s a place to start.
According to HUD, the number of people on the streets and in shelters on a single night in January has fallen for the past four years straight. Even more remarkably, the category that HUD terms chronic homelessness — people with mental or physical disabilities living without a home for extended periods, or repeatedly — has dropped 30 percent since 2007, even as the nation went through a severe recession.
But there’s also another story about homelessness in America, told by a report from the National Center for Family Homelessness, that shows a record number of children are now homeless. That’s based on data from the Department of Education, which measures homelessness quite differently from HUD. Instead of just surveying streets and shelters, the DOE includes anyone who’s living doubled-up, couch-surfing with friends or extended family. Because of that, the scale of the problem depends on which source you’re looking at — almost 1.3 million homeless students by the DOE’s count, compared with HUD’s point-in-time estimate of 578,424 homeless people of all ages.
Still, the way the two sets of numbers are trending reflects something kind of mind-boggling: As a nation, we may be on our way to solving the problem of homelessness for the toughest people to serve. Yet, at the same time, homelessness is on the rise among a separate group of people, with problems that seem, on the surface, much simpler.
That veteran who used to sleep under a bridge? There’s a good chance he now has his own place, with access to health care and counseling. But meanwhile, a mom with a couple of kids down the street has moved in with her sister’s family, and one more fight over shared bedrooms could send them looking for somewhere else to stay.The way that last part repeats, year after year,nounced the murders and expressed sympathy for the bereaved on the other side of the thin blue line. His daughter Emerald Garner laid a wreath at the site of the police murders two days later.
“I just had to come out and let their family know that we stand with them, and I’m going to send my prayers and condolences to all the families who are suffering through this tragedy,” she told ABC News. “I was never anti-police. Like I said before, I have family that’s in the NYPD that I’ve grown up around, family reunions and everything so my family you know, we’re not anti-police. Walmart pays execs big bonuses despite poor performances and low wages.
A May report in the New York Timesrevealed that Walmart made what it called “adjustments” to the company’s sales in order to give its CEO his bonus. William Simon was only supposed to receive a bonus if sales grew by two percent. But they didn’t. He walked away with a $1.5 million bonus anyway. As ThinkProgress pointed out, this means a CEO can get an 11 percent bonus for a poor performance while the highest bonus a Walmart employee could receive is 8 percent. One Walmart worker in California said the highest bonus you could receive in her store was 60 cents a year. The average Walmart worker makes around $25,000 a year.An Incomplete List of Asian American Women Writers Who Have Published at Least One Book of Fiction
What do you mean by “Asian”?
If the writer self-identified as Asian or was identified to me as such, I included her.
What do you mean by “American”?
If the writer has/had a significant presence in the U.S. (was born here, moved here, works here, etc.) I included her regardless of nationality.
What do you mean by “women”?
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