Study Design and Sample
A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. A convenience sample of 160 first-year nursing students was recruited fromthe health sciences areas of two universities. At the time of this study, students were enrolled in the Fundamentals of Nursing course during the spring semester of the academic year 2011–2012. Students who had easy access to computers and the Internet were assigned to the experimental group, while those who had limited access formed the control group. The experimental group received web-based and web-enhanced learning while the control group experienced traditional classroom learning. Five students who had continuous absenteeism and 18 students taking the course again due to failure were not included in the study. In addition, five students who had graduated from vocational health school and transferred vertically to higher education were excluded due to their previous urinary catheterization knowledge and skills. Twenty one students dropped out due to incomplete laboratory practice. Hence, the investigation was carried out with 111 students (59 students in the experimental group and 52 students in the control group). The rate of participation in the study was 69.4%.