The scheme was initially managed by agricultural extension officers from the Ministry of Agriculture.
Between 2003 and 2004, farmers were organized to form a cooperative and assumed all responsibilities
for managing the scheme (Johnstone, 2011). The management structure of the cooperative was made up
of the general committee, executive committee and sub-committees. The executive committee was the
board for the scheme made up of 27 farmers from the scheme who provide oversight on all scheme operations.
Members of the executive committeewere voted into office every 3 years by all farmers participating
in the irrigation scheme. The general committee consisted of nine members that included the president,
vice president, secretary, vice secretary, treasurer and four finance committee members. This committee
served a 2-year term with the responsibility for day-to-day running of affairs of the cooperative. The general
committeewas divided into sub-committees. Thewatermanagement sub-committee whichwas responsible