The total starch content in flours was observed between 79.6% and 94.1%. The highest starch content was shown by TCW70(94.1%, low amylose genotype), followed closely by TKW5 (93.5%,low amylose genotype), and TK8 (91.0%, medium amylose genotype).
The crude protein and lipid in flours of all genotypes were observed to be ranged from 6.3% to 14.4% and 0.05% to 3.21%,respectively. The low amylose, medium amylose and high amylose content flours showed crude protein content from 6.30% to 14.4%,6.40% to 12.70%, and 8.55% to 13.18%, respectively. Xie et al. (2008) reported a protein content of nine waxy rice flours between 6.8% and 9.6%, and between 7.3% and 9.3% for ten non waxy rice flours.