It’s quite simple, actually. There are children out there suffering from a debilitating genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis (NF). NF causes tumor to grow all over the nervous system and can cause blindness, deafness, learning disabilities and severe chronic pain. If these children can be so brave as to deal with the cards they have been dealt, then the least we can do is face our owns fears in a manner that raises funds to help find them a cure.
We’re running for the Children’s Tumor Foundation (CTF), the world’s largest non-government organization dedicated to ending NF through research. Currently, there is no cure for NF and there are frighteningly few treatment options, but with the $3.5 million we raised in 2015 – adding up to almost $8 million over the years – we are getting close.
Here’s a quick look at the personal story that led us to create Cupid’s Undie Run: