RE: Employment Offer
Dear Miss Thiyaporn Srichiangsa
On behalf of Thanawath Intertradding Co.,Ltd, I am pleased to offer you the position of International Trade Manager. Your skills, experience and qualifications will be an ideal fit for our International Trade department after graduate your Diploma of International Business in Australia. We sincerely regret that we cannot offer you employment now because your qualification still not enough at the moment. As discussed, your starting date will be determined shortly after your graduation in August 2018. The starting salary is 240,000 Thai baht per year and is paid on a monthly basis.
We look forward to welcoming you to our team. Please let me know if you have any questions or I can provide any additional information.
Yours sincerely,
Department Manager
Thanawath Intertradding Co.,Ltd
16 Village No.6 Muang Mee Sub district
Muang District, Nongkhai 43000
Tel: +66