Table 2
Detection frequencies, select percentiles andmaximum pyrethroid concentrations reported
permass dust (ng/g) and per surface area (ng/m2) fromtheMICASA Home Pesticide Study,
2009 (n = 55).
Pyrethroid %D 50th 75th 90th 95th Max
ng/g dust Cis-permethrin 67 244 568 670 755 1410
Trans-permethrin 67 172 207 274 421 1737
Cypermethrin 52 186 590 3223 7036 15,059
Esfenvalerate 44 bLOD 246 426 454 585
Resmethrin 29 bLOD 161 208 261 964
Deltamethrin 20 bLOD bLOD 250 385 701
ng/m2 Cis-permethrin 67 16 22 36 56 80
Trans-permethrin 67 5.7 6.7 9.3 14 98
Cypermethrin 52 18 63 175 334 516
Esfenvalerate 44 bLOD 12 15 16 19
Resmethrin 29 bLOD 5.2 6.1 6.6 54
Deltamethrin 20 bLOD bLOD 13 15 16
Table 3
Relationship between individual pyrethroid concentrations found in house dust
(N = 55 households) using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (p-value).
trans-Permethrin 0.81 (b.0001)
Total permethrin 0.98 (b.0001) 0.88 (b.0001)
Cypermethrin 0.26 (0.054) 0.32 (0.019) 0.27 (0.049)
Esfenvalerate 0.43 (0.0012) 0.37 (0.0055) 0.45 (0.00050) 0.30 (0.025)