Comparing the values of parameters in the PostPhyto with the EPA effluent Standard on Table I, it is found that the initial heavy nitrate
pollution load (108 mg/L) in the wastewater prior to treatment has been remediated to nearly an acceptable level of 52 mg/L. Phosphate has been
within the permissible limit but it’s concentration level was further reduced by about 10% through phytoremediation. However, the treatment has
shown an insignificant reduction in the phenolic compound pollutant level of the wastewater, which were assumed to have been introduced by
storm water eroded into the drains. The treated effluent from the system has characteristics that are relatively far from that of the tap water as the
control, but has met the wastewater effluent Standards, making it acceptable for recycling in flushing the urinals and water closets, then for
gardening and other related purposes.