Abstract-Number of security vulnerabilities in web application
has grown with the tremendous growth of web application in
last two decades. As the domain of Web Applications is
maturing, large number of empirical studies has been reported
in web applications to address the solution of vulnerable web
application. However, before advancing towards finding new
approaches of web applications security vulnerability
detection, there is a need to analyze and synthesize existing
evidence based studies in web applications area. To do this, we
have planned to conduct a systematic mapping study to view and
report the state-of-the-art of empirical work in existing research
of web applications. In this paper, we aimed at providing a
description of mapping study for synthesizing the reported
empirical research in the area of web applications security
vulnerabilities detection approaches. The proposed solutions are
mapped against: (1) the software development stages for which
the solution has been proposed and (2) the web application
vulnerabilities mapping according to OWASP Top 10 security
vulnerabilities. To do this, existing literature has been surveyed using a systematic mapping study by phrasing
two research questions. In the mapping study, a total of 41
studies dating from 1994 to 2014 were evaluated and mapped
against the aforementioned categories.
The outcome of this mapping study is current state-of-the-art
of empirical research in web application area, strength and
weaknesses of existing empirical work, best practices and
possible directions for future research.