The Adaptation Model of Nursing is a prominent nursing theory aiming to explain or define the provision of nursing science. In her theory, Sister Callista Roy’s model sees the individual as a set of interrelated systems who strives to maintain balance between various stimuli.
The Roy Adaptation Model was first presented in the literature in an article published in Nursing Outlook in 1970 entitled “Adaptation: A Conceptual Framework for Nursing.” In the same year, Roy’s Adaptation Model of Nursing was adapted in Mount St. Mary’s School in Los Angeles, California.
Roy’s model was conceived when nursing theorist Dorothy Johnson challenged her students during a seminar to develop conceptual models of nursing. Johnson’s nursing model was the impetus for the development of Roy’s Adaptation Model.
Roy’s model incorporated concepts from Adaptation-level Theory of Perception from renown American physiological psychologist Harry Helson, Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s System Model, and Anatol Rapoport’s system definition.
Major Concepts
“Human systems have thinking and feeling capacities, rooted in consciousness and meaning, by which they adjust effectively to changes in the environment and, in turn, affect the environment.”
Based on Roy, humans are holistic beings that are in constant interaction with their environment. Humans use a system of adaptation, both innate and acquired, to respond to the environmental stimuli they experience. Human systems can be individuals or groups, such as families, organizations, and the whole global community.
“The conditions, circumstances and influences surrounding and affecting the development and behavior of persons or groups, with particular consideration of the mutuality of person and health resources that includes focal, contextual and residual stimuli.”
The environment is defined as conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the development and behavior of humans as adaptive system. The environment is a stimulus or input that requires a person to adapt. This stimuli can be positive or negative.
Roy categorized this stimuli as focal, contextual, and residual. Focal stimuli are that which confronts the human system, and requires the most attention. Contextual stimuli are characterized as the rest of the stimuli that present with the focal stimuli, and contribute to its effect. Residual stimuli are the additional environmental factors present within the situation, but whose effect is unclear. This can include previous experience with certain stimuli.
“Health is not freedom from the inevitability of death, disease, unhappiness, and stress, but the ability to cope with them in a competent way.”
Health is defined as the state where humans can continually adapt to stimuli. Because illness is a part of life, health is the result of a process where health and illness can coexist. If human can continue to adapt holistically, they will be able to maintain health to reach completeness and unity within themselves. If they cannot adapt accordingly, the integrity of the person can be affected negatively.
“[The goal of nursing is] the promotion of adaptation for individuals and groups in each of the four adaptive modes, thus contributing to health, quality of life, and dying with dignity.”
In Adaptation Model, nurses are facilitators of adaptation. They assess the patient’s behaviors for adaptation, promote positive adaptation by enhancing environment interactions and helping patients react positively to stimuli. Nurses eliminate ineffective coping mechanisms and eventually lead to better outcomes.
Adaptation is the “process and outcome whereby thinking and feeling persons as individuals or in groups use conscious awareness and choice to create human and environmental integration.”
Internal Processes
The regulator subsystem is a person’s physiological coping mechanism. It’s the body’s attempt to adapt via regulation of our bodily processes, including neurochemical, and endocrine systems.
The cognator subsystem is a person’s mental coping mechanism. A person uses his brain to cope via self-concept, interdependence, and role function adaptive modes.
Four Adaptive Modes