Figure 4 shows three of the RASEX 10-m sonic records hard flagged by Haar criteria but classified as physical after further analysis. Figure 4a shows a RASEX vertical velocity record hard flagged for kurtosis and the Haar variance during a transition from near laminar flow to strong turbulence. The horizontal wind components and the virtual temperature from the sonic anemometer support this transition and the cup anemometers measured an eightfold increase in the variance of the wind speed. Figure 4b shows a possible gravity wave train that was hard flagged for the Haar mean and variance of virtual temperature. The crosswind component and the virtual temperature are correlated (R = −0.70) consistent with a gravity wave train. The 32-m sonic also shows this behavior. Figure 4c shows an intermittent turbulence case hard flagged for the Haar variance of the vertical velocity. Changes in the local variances of the horizontal wind components and virtual temperature are positively correlated with the changes in the vertical velocity variance and appear to be related to intermittent turbulence.