Direct employment is estimated on the basis of a question asked directly, by telephone or in person, to each firm about the number of people directly employed in port activities in the port perimeter. The overall figure is between 5353 and 8243 people. The former figure considers only people employed in activities strictly performed in the port perimeter, the latter figure adds the people employed in the activities performed in port-related firms in the FVG Region but outside the port perimeter (for example, administrative jobs performed in town offices). The 5353 people employed in the FVG port system are distributed as follows: maritime and custom agents: 3 per cent; freight forwarders: 10 per cent; shipping companies: 4 per cent; terminal operators (stevedores): 11 per cent; public agencies: 18 per cent; road transport and logistics companies: 8 per cent; railway companies: 3 per cent; port services (pilotage, towing, mooring and hauling services): 3 per cent; general services: 7 per cent; services to the ships including bunkering: 1 per cent; labour services (labour pools ex art. 68): 9 per cent; services to goods (general and chemical control): 0.2 per cent; manufacturing: 16 per cent; constructions: 2 per cent; commerce: 3 per cent; services: 1 per cent.