Dension proposed that there are two components of work environment: culture and climate. During the last decade these two constructs have gained comparatively more attention of researchers. Some researchers have used these two terms interchangeably whereas, others claim that they overlap. While, some emphasize that they are different from each
other. However, the operational definition of these two constructs can better help to understand their true sense. Cooke and Szumal defined organization culture as the set of norms, beliefs, assumptions and values shared by the individuals which prevail in the organization. These values and beliefs help the employees to approach the work in the organization and help them to perform in better way. Whereas on the other hand organizational climate is the property of individual and defines the way that how does he perceive his work. Climate can be described as the practices, procedures,
policies and routines followed within the organization whereas culture provides the underlying mechanism and reasons for why these things occur based on individuals’ assumptions, values and beliefs therefore in the light of above definitions culture is the organizational property and climate is the individual’s property. However,multiple cultures and climates may prevail with in the organization under different supervisors. They provide the context within which employees function and perform on daily basis.