The optimum reaction parameters of small-scale transesterification
of feedstocks were used in a pilot scale biodiesel production
from animal fats (Alptekin and Canakci, 2010, 2011; Alptekin et al.,
2012). In addition, corn oil was used in pilot scale biodiesel production
to compare the fuel properties of vegetable oil and animal fats
methyl esters. The biodiesel pilot plant was assembled at the
Alternative Fuels Research and Development Center in Kocaeli
University. Biodiesels were produced in the pilot plant with the
capacity of about 100 kg per day. The schematic of the biodiesel
pilot plant is shown in Fig. 1. The feedstock tank (200 l) has electrical
heaters to prevent solidification of feedstock especially for
fleshing oil. All the feedstocks were filtered with 60-micron fuel
filter before transferring to feedstock tank.