Head and skull : Symmetrical, normal shape and size,no scale or lump or other lesions of trauma , no tenderness.
Eyes : Eye black and eyelashes present and normal distribution,no corrosion or entropion of eyelashes present and normal distribution, no corrosion or entropion of eyelids, no stye or ptosis periorbital and lacrimal paratus are normal, fild pale conjunctiva, ecteric sclera, no defect of cornea or iris, pupils dilated 3 mm equal and round right = left reaction to light both eyes, extraocular movement normal
Ears : mastoid no tenderness or swelling, no mass or lesions of auricles or canals no discharge, both tympanic membrane intact and normal color no perforation, light reflex present, good hearing
Head and skull : Symmetrical, normal shape and size,no scale or lump or other lesions of trauma , no tenderness.Eyes : Eye black and eyelashes present and normal distribution,no corrosion or entropion of eyelashes present and normal distribution, no corrosion or entropion of eyelids, no stye or ptosis periorbital and lacrimal paratus are normal, fild pale conjunctiva, ecteric sclera, no defect of cornea or iris, pupils dilated 3 mm equal and round right = left reaction to light both eyes, extraocular movement normal Ears : mastoid no tenderness or swelling, no mass or lesions of auricles or canals no discharge, both tympanic membrane intact and normal color no perforation, light reflex present, good hearing
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