Toshiba Group supported a project plan of Fukushima Recon-struction Solar Co. (which is engaged in power generation and
regional exchanges to help reconstruct Fukushima Prefecture),
invested in the firm, and cooperated with the firm in construct-ing a photovoltaic power station
. In March 2013, Minamisoma
Solar Agri-park was completed. This park supplies electricity
generated at photovoltaic power stations to plant factories and
sells surplus electricity to other parties. In order to support chil-dren’s development, effective use is made of the photovoltaic
power station and plant factories to offer “Green Academy” class-es, which enable children to learn through hands-on experienc-es. In these classes, children (mainly elementary school students
from the city of Minamisoma) experience charging of electric
vehicles and the most advanced form of agriculture at a factory
while learning how power is generated using natural energy