The comparison with literature (Table 2) of current study
(Table 1) revealed that the concentrations of heavy metals in
cosmetic products are: The highest concentration of Pb found
in surma (1071 lg/g) was lower than those obtained for mascara
(9500 lg/g) (Al-Dayel et al., 2011); the highest concentration
of Cd (0.942 lg/g) in surma was found to be lower than
maximum value of hair pomade (6.80 lg/g) and higher than
most of the investigations in the literature (Table 2); maximum
concentration of Cu (302 lg/g) was found to be higher than all
of the studies conducted for cosmetic products; the maximum
value of Co (1.02 lg/g) obtained for powder in this study was
found to be lower than those reported elsewhere (Nnorm,
2011); the value for Fe (2468 lg/g) for cream was found to
be higher than cream and lower than eye shade (3760) reported
in the literature (Al-Dayel et al., 2011); the highest concentration
of Cr, Ni and Zn in our study was found to be lower than
the reported value (Table 2). Various other studies have also
been reported for heavy metal concentration in different cosmetic
products (Al-Dayel et al., 2011). It is recommended that
the consumer of cosmetics products must be selective while
purchasing these products.