Dove (London: Rock pigeon, Rock dove; Scientific name: Columba livia) are birds in the family of pigeons and doves (Columbidae), typically the word "pigeon" are meant to feed the pigeons. (Including a fancy pigeon with) the addition of pigeons are called. "Wild Pigeon"
Wild Pigeon gray hairs. Two wings have black bars on each side of the strip. But both wild birds and birds that have a variety of colors and styles of hair a lot. There are differences between the sexes little birds usually mate only once had two father and mother helped raised that, when paired together, not separate my life. Although the couple are dead,
the Wild Pigeon is a collection of pathogens that contact to humans, such as encephalitis, fungal, pneumonia, diarrhea, stress or even a punch from birds
dove habitats in. Environmental open and semi-open agricultural areas and urban areas. Cliffs and the rocks were used as nest eggs of birds in the wild. Dove is native to Europe, northern Africa and western Asia. Before spreading to cities around the world because of the birds that have adapted to the environment, especially in the city very well. Expected in natural populations of about 17-28 million in Europe. Current Pigeons are birds that are found on every continent around the world. Except Antarctica
Dove The birds are accustomed to humans as well. In ancient times, is used to communicate. Since it is a bird that senses as well, in order to find a way back into the settlement came from. Although far does it by using the Earth's magnetic field, similar to sea turtles. Use sunlight and nose to smell with
another. Also popular parties to compete with airlines. Economic and raising animals for their meat. And the development of different species to look pretty natural to raise as pets beautiful
addition. Pigeons have been used as a symbol of the universal means "peace" often used by dove carrying an olive wreath.