Inclusion of "extended" in the definition
of advanced nursing practice
The term ”extended” remains embedded in the NMBA
definition of advanced nursing practice. The only nurses
who have a legally extended scope of practice in Australia
and therefore could have experience in an advanced
nursing practice role are already endorsed NPs.
Until this definitional conundrum is resolved, one can
only speculate as to how hours completed in an advanced
nursing practice (extended) role are demonstrated and
counted to meet the requirements for endorsement as
an NP.
The variance between the definitions of advanced nursing
practice as described by the ANF in the Competency
Standards for the advanced registered nurse and
the NMBA in the Endorsement as an NP registration standard
is central to the debate. This inconsistency in the
extant definitions must be rectified as a matter of high
Using the NMBA definition of ”advanced practice nursing,”
a definition that can only define those already endorsed
as NPs, as the basis on which to determine sufficient
advanced nursing practice hours for NP endorsement
highlights a weakness in the Australian regulatory
system that needs to be addressed.