hello my love how are you doing today happy Sunday.
darling since yesterday i have network problem i really miss you so much my lovely wife.darling where are you now and what are you doing
I am fine
i really miss you so much
darling i miss you so much
honey where are you now do you work on Sunday
my home
wow that is good
honey you know my heart is feed with joy and happiness because am coming to see you the love of my heart
darling I can not sleep. Because I miss you so much.
darling the same to me.i have been thinking of you my lovely wife.
darling you are my sweetheart i miss you so much darling.
you make me so happy
darling you are my life and my joy.
darling don.t worry just 2 days remain.you will see me really
darling my light tomorrow is afternoon
hello darling are you busy
I am translating
darling my light tomorrow is afternoon.I do not understand this message
honey i mean my flight tomorrow is afternoon
i mean plan okay plan is called flight
I understand
darling don.t forget when i get to Airport i will call you on phone then you have to come and pick me okay
okay .darling
darling i will hug and kiss you in Airport hahahahahhahah
I give you a hug
But a kiss is not.okay
okay you give me a kiss when we get to hotel room right
I'm fat., You may change your mind.
hahahahahahaha no darling nothing can make me to change my mind.i really love you so much with all my heart and i will love you until my dead
darling i want to go church now okay i want to go and pray in the church okay
honey can we talk shower together this night
.i really love you so much
we talk shower together this night
i love you too my sweetheart
kiss kiss bye bye
take good care of your self for me okay
i love you miss you kiss kiss kiss to you my lovely wife