vow that whichever pill furnace follows me will never be destroyed. It will never shatter!” His will echoed out, growing even stronger. Among the fifty thousand trembling pill furnaces, ten thousand of them began to emit droning noises.
“I vow that whichever pill furnace follows me will concoct medicinal pills of the stars, and will give birth to Pill Spirit! This is my personal vow!” His will soared, and in that instant, within the ten thousand pill furnaces, one thousand began to drone even louder, and emit even brighter, glittering auras.
“I vow that whichever pill furnace belongs to me, when I achieve my Dao, it will incarnate a body!” His will thundered out. Among the thousand pill furnaces was a violet furnace which suddenly shot out of nowhere, heading directly toward Meng Hao.
Meng Hao formless eyes opened, and in front of him, he saw a nine-legged violet furnace!
It shone with a flickering, violet glow as it floated in the air in front of him. Magical symbols emanated off of it. It was obvious from a mere glance that it was completely beyond ordinary.
“This is the Life Furnace which belongs to me, selected from within the void….” Meng Hao’s eyes shone brightly, and he slowly lifted up his hand to take hold of the furnace. It was at this exact moment that suddenly, a powerful screaming noise shook the entire world.
The pill furnace in front of Meng Hao began to tremble, as did all the pill furnaces hovering around the other nine candidates. They all seemed… terrified….
Something violent and shocking was about to happen!