No Bullying
Scene 1
-Exam room-
M. Kang – Guys time-out test.
(Coming out of the exam room: top/ten/Chacha/Amy, it captures the band talk).
Top - The test is very easy,It like that I read.
Ten-Yes that's good that I read before.
ChaCha- but when I read before, I feel like I want death.
Top- If we have efforts, we will successful.
(And then Prim and Punch walk out from the room).
Punch-Ow Why this exam is very hard.
PRIM-Yes the teacher is teach me don't understand but he gave me a hard exam.
Amy-Because they themselves took no interest in lessons, but always playing (mumble)
Punch-What do you say?
Prim-Do you want to have problem?
Everyone-No (the dash out.)
(PIM was walk out from the exam room with Bew.)
PIM- The test is very easy
Bew-Yes, We must thank you to master wallop, He is a good teacher.
PRIM and Punch, They walk out with bad feeling.
Scene 2
The classroom.
Master Kang- Guys. I will give you a exam results.
(Everyone comes out when Pim turn)
PIM-My score is 100! Thank you Sir.
Chacha- Congratulation Pim.
Tops-lament brilliantly.
PIM-thank you (smiles).
(When the eyes.)
Beau-my earring.
M. Kang-here very better mice have 95 points.
Beau-even you have all! Thank you, (worship items. quarter turn to good mind to enter).
M-series to watch tha nek pool problem They sure fell for 0 points Why does a really poor fudge?
PRIM-in. (don't be a force come the exam.)
Phan-(spontaneous seizures, enter m.)
PRIM with phan (the page is not satisfied and then turn to view the force put PIM with Beau.)
Scene 3
(The Prim with phan, standing in front of the room, until I came to the GOJ bikini).
PRIM-(walk), I scored an excuse (sweet)
I-Oh, we get 100 full-eh.
PRIM-nailing (perfectly awesome picks the blade points see, then tear the throw).
About PIM-bikini (AW)
PRIM-(take the bump I fell).
Beau-here they do what Gary eh.
-Between them, with tops, Amy went to see it fit to tell guanine, which is a head-room.
Beau-whatcha doing anything of the Grand Union
Phan-(krachakkradat comes from the hand of then d more crumpled).
Phan-do redheads (slapped face.)
PIM-this why we do?, Gary (crying).
PRIM-and why they like it enough to meet impending teacher Gary CHAN.
Phan-get a great score you made is shocked.
PRIM-remove Loei (facing questions phan).
Guanine-stop now, kinda They took the Grand to do?
Everyone-the disruption.
Tops with Amy, to help sustain the energy standing up with PIM bikini.
Phan-g. .. it isn't here? (Ringer).
Guanine-they should not be doing this. We're friends?
PRIM-friend? Aloys friends then why your friends want to come together with the score of Mojito (voice)
Tops-here they do this because she's jealous?
Aloys phan-envy anybody jealous (do tha are dubious).
Amy – Yes, I envy them with more than their bikinis but wadai examination each?
Guanine-they jealous that he can score more, but they are not interested in class time learning. Low reading test only to travel to This is the exam? We're friends? Your friend should do here? jealousy of friends here do that? Why not blame themselves how unintended lessons As you do this, there will be nothing. But this is good to go.
PRIM with phan-(mui).
PRIM-we are sorry because we do not read books I own enough see her rated more justly envious.
Phan-we are the same. Ilove it. We ought not to injure her, Loei
PIM-alright We're sorry, kinda excited too much without score, regardless of their feelings.
Beau-we forgive we studied together Sure next time we can do the same.
Guanine-here. A good friend of the following banned bullying together. There is nothing to talk about, then it must reasons to apologize and then kinda forgiving.
Everyone came together and then talk about fun
-The end-