Non-medical prescribing has evolved as part of
some advanced practice nursing roles and was
developed to:
Improve patient care by promoting access
to medications.
Empower patients by enabling choice
in healthcare.
Enhance flexible ways of working in healthcare
teams and use the skills and knowledge of nurses
working at an advanced practice level.
Non-medical prescribing has helped to address
some issues relating to adherence to pain
management strategies, improve patients’ access
to analgesics, and provide a holistic approach to
the assessment and management of cancer pain.
Lewis-Evans and Jester (2004) identified some of
the benefits of non-medical prescribing to patients,
including improved communication, better
continuity of care and increased patient confidence
in healthcare professionals.
Patients receiving palliative care are responsive
to and supportive of non-medical prescribing
because the nurse is deemed to have in-depth
knowledge of the patient, a sound knowledge of
analgesics and more time for the consultation
process (Creedon and O’Regan 2010). In palliative
care, patients may need to be prescribed opioids.
The nurse’s role as an independent non-medical
prescriber enables timely management of patients’
pain and access to appropriate drugs. Nurses can
also initiate alterations to medications and referral
to other healthcare professionals as appropriate,
Non-medical prescribing has evolved as part ofsome advanced practice nursing roles and wasdeveloped to:Improve patient care by promoting accessto medications.Empower patients by enabling choicein healthcare.Enhance flexible ways of working in healthcareteams and use the skills and knowledge of nursesworking at an advanced practice level.Non-medical prescribing has helped to addresssome issues relating to adherence to painmanagement strategies, improve patients’ accessto analgesics, and provide a holistic approach tothe assessment and management of cancer pain.Lewis-Evans and Jester (2004) identified some ofthe benefits of non-medical prescribing to patients,including improved communication, bettercontinuity of care and increased patient confidencein healthcare professionals.Patients receiving palliative care are responsiveto and supportive of non-medical prescribingbecause the nurse is deemed to have in-depthknowledge of the patient, a sound knowledge ofanalgesics and more time for the consultationprocess (Creedon and O’Regan 2010). In palliativecare, patients may need to be prescribed opioids.The nurse’s role as an independent non-medicalprescriber enables timely management of patients’pain and access to appropriate drugs. Nurses canalso initiate alterations to medications and referralto other healthcare professionals as appropriate,
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