1. Thinking Time- Teachers should try to consciously allow at least five seconds of silence after asking a question to allow language learners more time to connect to what has been asked and provide all students with the opportunity to think and answer
2. Elaborated input -Teachers need to consider the ways that they speak to students and try to repeat key instructions or points, paraphrase, use slower, clear speech and visual aids to help students better comprehend what is being said
3. Re-casts-If a student makes an error when speaking the teacher should repeat what the student said providing the correct model without overtly drawing attention to the error
4. Questioning - Teachers should be trying to ask more open ended questions to their students and directing these questions to specific individuals to ensure all students have the opportunity to participate
5. Increase verbal interaction - Teachers should provide opportunities to increase verbal interaction in classroom activities to help ensure that students are exposed to as many different types of authentic language as possible and allow students opportunities to practice using the target language. Planning for more group and pair work during lessons would help to do this.