Spores of both T.harzianum and
A.sojae were harvested using 5 ml of Tween80-water (0.02% v/v)
and collected in sterile falcon tubes. Spore counts were performed
using Thoma bright line haemocytometer (Marienfield, Germany).
S.cerevisiae was propagated at 30 C for 48 h on YPD (Yeast Extract-
Peptone-Dextrose) media containing % (v/v): glucose, 2; peptone,
2; yeast extract, 1; and agar, 2. A loop-full of 48 h-old single colony
was transferred from a fresh YPD agar plate into 250 mL Erlenmeyer
flask containing 50 mL of YPD broth media and incubated at
30 C and 150 rpm in basic orbital shaker for 48 h, in order to
construct the growth curve by measuring the viable cell counts and
optical densities using a Varian Cary Bio 100 spectrophotometer at
600 nm.