The raw materials of mango bark are cut from the trunk of
mango tree and they are cleaned with water by brushing to
remove the impurities. They are then dried at room
temperature and ground into powder form in a grinder. Before
commencing the extraction and purification of the natural
dyestuff, the presence of major types of chemical compound
in the mango bark is determined by using preliminary
phytochemical tests.
One hundred grams of mango bark powder are placed in a
round bottomed flask and 500 ml of ethanol water (40:60) are
added into it. The flask is heated in water-bath at 60°C for one
hour. After extracting the dye, the extracted solution is filtered
off and ethanol is recovered by using distillation method.
After distillation, the concentrated dye solution is dried in the
oven at 60°C. In this way, crude dyestuff is extracted as the
powder form. Table I shows the conditions of crude dye extraction.