Hi Simon, hi Romain,
to get everybody on the same page, attached is an overview of future, confirmed bookings for the Villa. There is also another, new booking.com booking from the 18-25 of July, however the guest is not responding right now so I dont know if this goes through or not, anyway I have to block this for now.
Also, the new owner reserved the Villa from the 26.7-22.08 and 23.12-03.01.
Now, as you can see, I received around 300k THB already for future bookings. I have to pay commission of course for these to booking.com bookings later on, this is also already mentioned in the Excel sheet.
To make things more complicated the new owner also owes me 320.000 THB for his stay in the Villa over new year.
I see two possibilities:
A) I keep the 300k and White Rose does everything regarding opening balance payment with the new owner and future payments (minus commissions go to White Rose of course).
B) I pay the opening balance with the money I received already for the bookings so far, and I get the 320k over time from the first profits of the Villa.
Simon, would these suggestions work for you ? Romain ?