1. Cut bamboo cut a tooth pick a small 2 the sharpening round-shaped to stick to the skin of bamboo, because it มีสปริง one called wood wings, another one. Call the stick, wood wings to the end of the 2 beside to Ryo
2 oiled and over an open flame.The wood and wooden wings, bound together by a rope thread. Tie point perpendicular to tie around 1 / 5 of wood, and 1 / 2 of wood wing
3.Tie a thread at both ends to stick. And tie a rope to tie with wooden wings wood end wings both 2 side. Trying to bend bend down beautiful enough. Stretched taut, called project kite
4.Cut colored cellophane according to the project the kite so that by approximately 1 cm, then glue or paste on paper to all sides. Then gently fold fold down on a rope stretched taut on every side paper
5.The paper cutting book or newspaper circle diameter 4 - 5 cm 2 pieces off on wood core in the middle of the kite 2 points
6.The hemp rope, tie the 2 the stuck paper circle with the knot sung tested. If no up to gravity with tassel tassel wings and tail.