Divident Irrelevance Theory
1.Professore Merton Miller and Franco Modigliani
▶ Dividend policy has no effect on either the price of a firm's stock or its cost of capital.
▶ The firm's value is determined only by its basic earning power and its business risk.
2. Under Unrealistic the assumptions
▶ No taxes are paid on dividends
▶ No transaction cost on trading
3. MM believes that individual investor can create his/her own dividend policy
▶ If a firm does not pay dividend, the shareholders can create their desire % of dividend by selling % of stock
▶ If firm pays a higher dividend than an investor desires, he/she will use the unwanted dividend to buy additional stock
4. In the "REAL WORLD"
▶ Taxes and transaction costs do exist ---> dividend policy may be relevant and investors may prefer policies that help them reduce taxes and transaction cost.