While the global market for luxury brands faced a temporary decline of การแปล - While the global market for luxury brands faced a temporary decline of มาเลย์ วิธีการพูด

While the global market for luxury

While the global market for luxury brands faced a temporary decline of 8% in sales revenues to 153 billion Euros in 2009 (Bain & Company, 2009), the recent downturn in economy did not affect the big names of the luxury brands industry. Brands such as Louis Vuitton, Hermès, and Chanel increased their sales despite the recession (Forbes, 2009). As compared to the general downturn of sales of up to 31% in 2009, the sales decline of luxury brands is comparably low (Handelsblatt, 2010). Analysts base their reasoning on the growing claim for luxury brands in emerging markets and on the crisis-proof demand in Western nations. Interestingly, the demand for prominent logos on products has remained stable or even increased during the recession (Nunes, Drèze, & Han, 2010).

Brand consumption, and specifically luxury brand consumption, allows consumers both to express themselves (i.e., value-expressive function) and to present themselves (i.e., social-adjustive function) in front of others (e.g., Dubois and Duquesne, 1993 and Wilcox et al., 2009). Grossman and Shapiro (1988) define luxury goods as goods that people use to show prestige and status while the difference in functional utility over other goods is largely negligible. A luxury brand can be thought of as “the most selective in its distribution; the most image-driven; … and the most expensive” (Kapferer and Bastien, 2009, p. 313). The perceived degree of luxury, however, varies with product category. A luxury brand may be, for instance, associated with the higher end of luxury in one product category, and with the lower end of luxury in another product category (Vigneron & Johnson, 2004). As an example, consumers might perceive Burberry more as a luxury brand for apparel and leather goods than for perfumes. Premium pricing strategies as well as strong quality cues are among the most important defining characteristics of luxury brands (Keller, 2009). Interestingly, prices for female luxury brands are in most cases significantly higher than for male luxury brands. As Table 1 shows, a Boss Black suit for men costs around 400 Euros (retail prices in the German market), while that for women costs around 510 Euros, a difference of more than 25%. Table 1 shows additional examples in the product domains of perfumes, leather goods, and watches that show a similar pattern. The market, however, also provides (a few) examples of brands (e.g., Rolex watches), where the male product is more expensive than the female product. Nevertheless, the question arises why prices for female luxury brands usually are significantly higher than prices for male luxury brands. Does a gender effect exist?
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ผลลัพธ์ (มาเลย์) 1: [สำเนา]
Manakala pasaran global untuk jenama mewah berhadapan penurunan sementara 8% hasil jualan untuk Euro 153 bilion pada tahun 2009 (Bain & Company, 2009), semalam kemerosotan ekonomi tidak menjejaskan nama-nama besar industri jenama mewah. Jenama Louis Vuitton, Hermès dan kemuliaan meningkatkan jualan mereka walaupun kemelesetan ekonomi (Forbes, 2009). Berbanding dengan kemelesetan besar jualan sehingga 31% pada 2009, penurunan jualan jenama mewah adalah skim rendah (Handelsblatt, 2010). Penganalisis asas pertimbangan mereka semakin tuntutan untuk jenama mewah dalam pasaran baru muncul dan krisis-bukti permintaan dalam negara-negara Barat. Menariknya, permintaan untuk menonjol logo produk kekal stabil atau bahkan meningkat ketika kemelesetan (Nunes, Drèze & Han, 2010).Brand consumption, and specifically luxury brand consumption, allows consumers both to express themselves (i.e., value-expressive function) and to present themselves (i.e., social-adjustive function) in front of others (e.g., Dubois and Duquesne, 1993 and Wilcox et al., 2009). Grossman and Shapiro (1988) define luxury goods as goods that people use to show prestige and status while the difference in functional utility over other goods is largely negligible. A luxury brand can be thought of as “the most selective in its distribution; the most image-driven; … and the most expensive” (Kapferer and Bastien, 2009, p. 313). The perceived degree of luxury, however, varies with product category. A luxury brand may be, for instance, associated with the higher end of luxury in one product category, and with the lower end of luxury in another product category (Vigneron & Johnson, 2004). As an example, consumers might perceive Burberry more as a luxury brand for apparel and leather goods than for perfumes. Premium pricing strategies as well as strong quality cues are among the most important defining characteristics of luxury brands (Keller, 2009). Interestingly, prices for female luxury brands are in most cases significantly higher than for male luxury brands. As Table 1 shows, a Boss Black suit for men costs around 400 Euros (retail prices in the German market), while that for women costs around 510 Euros, a difference of more than 25%. Table 1 shows additional examples in the product domains of perfumes, leather goods, and watches that show a similar pattern. The market, however, also provides (a few) examples of brands (e.g., Rolex watches), where the male product is more expensive than the female product. Nevertheless, the question arises why prices for female luxury brands usually are significantly higher than prices for male luxury brands. Does a gender effect exist?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (มาเลย์) 2:[สำเนา]
Walaupun pasaran global untuk jenama mewah yang dihadapi penurunan sementara 8% dalam hasil jualan kepada 153 bilion Euro pada tahun 2009 (Bain & Company, 2009), kemelesetan baru-baru ini dalam ekonomi tidak memberi kesan kepada nama-nama besar mewah jenama industri. Jenama seperti Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel dan peningkatan jualan mereka walaupun kemelesetan (Forbes, 2009). Berbanding menghadapi situasi ekonomi yang jualan sehingga 31% pada tahun 2009, penurunan jualan jenama mewah adalah comparably rendah (Handelsblatt, 2010). Penganalisis mendasarkan hujah mereka pada tuntutan yang semakin meningkat bagi jenama mewah dalam pasaran baru muncul dan apabila diminta krisis-bukti di negara-negara Barat. Menariknya, permintaan untuk logo terkemuka pada produk kekal stabil atau meningkat semasa kemelesetan (Nunes, Drèze, & Han, 2010). Penggunaan Jenama, dan penggunaan khusus jenama mewah, membolehkan kedua-dua pengguna untuk menyatakan diri mereka (iaitu, nilai-ekspresif fungsi) dan membentangkan diri mereka (iaitu, fungsi sosial-adjustive) di hadapan orang lain (contohnya, Dubois dan Duquesne, 1993 dan Wilcox et al., 2009). Grossman dan Shapiro (1988) menentukan barang-barang mewah seperti barang-barang yang digunakan orang untuk menunjukkan prestij dan status sementara perbezaan dalam utiliti berfungsi atas barang-barang lain adalah sebahagian besarnya diabaikan. Jenama mewah boleh dianggap sebagai "yang paling selektif dalam pengedaran; paling imej yang didorong; ... Dan yang paling mahal "(Kapferer dan Bastien, 2009, p. 313). Darjah tanggapan mewah, bagaimanapun, berbeza dengan kategori produk. Jenama mewah boleh, misalnya, yang berkaitan dengan akhir yang lebih tinggi mewah dalam satu kategori produk, dan dengan bahagian bawah mewah dalam kategori produk lain (Vigneron & Johnson, 2004). Sebagai contoh, pengguna mungkin melihat Burberry lebih sebagai jenama mewah untuk pakaian dan barangan kulit daripada untuk minyak wangi. Strategi penetapan harga premium dan juga kualiti isyarat yang kuat adalah antara ciri-ciri yang paling penting takrifan jenama mewah (Keller, 2009). Menariknya, harga jenama-jenama mewah wanita adalah dalam kebanyakan kes jauh lebih tinggi daripada jenama-jenama mewah lelaki. Seperti Jadual 1 menunjukkan, saman Boss Black untuk lelaki kos sekitar 400 Euro (harga runcit di pasaran Jerman), manakala bagi wanita kos sekitar 510 Euro, perbezaan sebanyak lebih daripada 25%. Jadual 1 menunjukkan contoh tambahan dalam domain produk minyak wangi, barangan kulit, dan jam tangan yang menunjukkan corak yang sama. Pasaran, bagaimanapun, juga menyediakan (beberapa) contoh jenama (contohnya, jam tangan Rolex), di mana produk lelaki adalah lebih mahal daripada produk wanita. Walau bagaimanapun, persoalan timbul mengapa harga jenama-jenama mewah wanita biasanya adalah jauh lebih tinggi daripada harga jenama-jenama mewah lelaki. Adakah kesan jantina wujud?

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