People often speak of Haier with reference to General Electric, and that great company is certainly one of our
benchmarks. To me, the essence of Jack Welch’s accomplishment at GE was that he simultaneously turned his company
into the largest one in the world and into the smallest –by making each employee full of vigor.
I want each employee coming to work for Haier to have the sense that he or she can find a place in the company
to realize his or her own values as well as creating value for the enterprise. I have no desire to oversupervise employees.
Nor is my goal to grow the company to a certain size.The list of the world’s largest 500 companies changes
dramatically every decade. Size is no protection against failure if you are not able to fill each employee with vitality.
Instead, I want Haier to get to the point where all employees create their own value on a globalized platform. If we are
able to accomplish this, we can make Haier a very competitive enterprise.