1. Introduction
With the rapid development of information technology, libraries of higher educational
institutes are concerned about delivering services and offering access to information
resources relevant to the changing needs of their user community. Following
technological innovations that give rise to new opportunities for learning (Kim et al.,
2011), libraries need to go beyond their physical boundaries and working hours, to
potentially expand library services and facilities to users located far-off (De Sarkar,
2012). The growing expectations of users to access library resources outside the library
walls (Daly, 2010), make it necessary for libraries to have a continuing push to provide
excellent library service for all library users, making responsive and proactive online
customer service an imperative for libraries (Clements, 2009). With users’ involvement
in promoting web-based library services becoming more pertinent, libraries are
constantly evolving innovative strategies, harnessing the website and various
web-based applications to attract a technologically sophisticated user community. One
of the facets of web-based applications is widget. It can be downloaded and installed in