Thus far, the account given has dwelt on the genesis and structure of the conceptual and terminological part of subjective mathematics.
There is also the genesis of the propositions, relationships and conjectures of subjective mathematical knowledge to be considered.
But this can be accommodated analogously.
We have already discussed how the elementary truths of mathematics and logic are acquired during the learning of mathematical language.
As new concepts are developed by individuals, following the hierarchical pattern described above, their definitions, properties and relationships underpin new mathematical propositions, which must be acquired with them, to permit their uses.
New items of propositional knowledge are developed by the two modes of genesis described above, namely by informal inductive and deductive processes.
Intuition being the name given to the facility of perceiving (i.e., conjecturing with belief) such propositions and relationships between mathematical concepts on the basis of their meaning and properties, prior to the production of warrants for justifying them.
Overall, we see.
That the general features of the account of the genesi of mathematical concepts also holds for propositional mathematical knowledge.
That is we posit analogous inductive and deductive processes, albeit informal, to account for this genesis.