A central green space provides a communal "living room," with individual garden plots
where residents can grow their own food or create flower gardens for relaxation and enjoyment.
An aboveground tank collects rainwater on-site, which supplies water for toilets, washing
machines, and irrigation. Residents are given an annual rainwater allotment, for which they are
assessed charges only if their usage exceeds the allowance. A bioswale weaves through the
site, transporting stormwater to a pond at the lowest point. The pond is slowly released to the
wetlands south of the site or used for supplementary irrigation during the summer. Bioretention
cells located along the lower edge of the parking lot catch surface water runoff, which is then
infiltrated back into the soil. The plant palette reflects the site's ecology, and plantings were
incorporated to support habitat, increase biodiversity, decrease water use, and provide functional
and edible landscapes.