There were villagers who had a cock. They wanted it to wake them up at dawn. The cock was kept at the far end of the village.
Not far alway, there was a fox that was waiting for a change to catch the cock.
One day, when there was no one around;the fox went to the cock.
The fox said, Handsome cock , do you no that your father ang i are friends?
I remember that your father's crowing was beautyful;so,your crowing must be great too. Can you crow for me? the fox asked.
Proudly, the cock agreed to crow for the fox.
When the cock began to crow, the fox jumped up,held the cock in it's mouth, and ran away.
The cock was frightened and crowed louder for help.
The villagers heard the vioce Look,a fox is stealing our cock, they yellled,look sticks and followed them.
The cock sew the villagers coming to help, it's said to the fox, DO you here what they said? They won't let you take me
Tell them that i am your and they will stop following you, the cock played tricks to the fox. Witout thinking, the fox opened it's mouth to shout.
At the moment, the cock flew aways to the top of a tree. What a fool you are.I'll never be yours
By then, the villagers caught up with the fox. They beat up the fox and brought the cock back.
Because of my silliness, I got hurt and lost my food, the fox said sadly. Think carefully before act.