As with many other professions. To have a broad knowledge base has also been seen to be most beneficial for interpreters who are often placed in unknown arenas for which they have little background. The more one is exposed to different disciplines, situations and higher education, the more likely one is to be successful when interpreting. Of course one cannot expect to be an expert in every field but broad general knowledge and experiences certainly gives one information to utilize.
interpreters remember that their choices are governed by a reasonable interpreter standard. This standard represents the hypothetical interpreter who is appropriately educated, informed, capable, aware of professional standards, and fair-minded.
The guiding principles interpreters will follow are
1. Interpreters adhere to standards of confidential communication.
2. Interpreters possess the professional skills and knowledge required for the specific interpreting situation.
3. Interpreters conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the specific interpreting situation.
4. Interpreters demonstrate respect for consumers.
5. Interpreters demonstrate respect for colleagues, interns, and students of the profession.
6. Interpreters maintain ethical business practices.
7. Interpreters engage in professional development.
Once certified Interpreters are required to complete continuing education units (CEU) in order to retain their credential. This is to ensure individuals are staying abreast of new developments in the field and keeping their skills up. Cue’s can be earned in a number of ways, from workshops, conferences, individual projects, to classes.