Introduc! on
This paper is about buildings and people, speci cally a par! cular type of built space in Sri
Lanka known as tropical modernist, or just tropical architecture. The architect perhaps most
associated with this style is the late Geo" rey Bawa, who is one of Sri Lanka’s best known
architects interna! onally, modern or otherwise. His work will be familiar to many readers,
but in order to set the scene for what follows I start this paper with a passage published two
years ago in the English broad-sheet newspaper The Observer, in which Bawa’s Kandalama
hotel [Figure 1] featured in their ‘Magni cent seven’ of modern hotel design icons around the
world. The passage not only o" ers a sense of the sorts of architectural style and aesthe! cs
that I engage with, but wri# en by an obviously enthused, (probably) English travel journalist,
it also points to an onlooker’s perspec! ve on some of the characteris! cs that are peculiar to,
and are common across, this uniquely Sri Lankan architectural genre:
Introduc! on
This paper is about buildings and people, speci cally a par! cular type of built space in Sri
Lanka known as tropical modernist, or just tropical architecture. The architect perhaps most
associated with this style is the late Geo" rey Bawa, who is one of Sri Lanka’s best known
architects interna! onally, modern or otherwise. His work will be familiar to many readers,
but in order to set the scene for what follows I start this paper with a passage published two
years ago in the English broad-sheet newspaper The Observer, in which Bawa’s Kandalama
hotel [Figure 1] featured in their ‘Magni cent seven’ of modern hotel design icons around the
world. The passage not only o" ers a sense of the sorts of architectural style and aesthe! cs
that I engage with, but wri# en by an obviously enthused, (probably) English travel journalist,
it also points to an onlooker’s perspec! ve on some of the characteris! cs that are peculiar to,
and are common across, this uniquely Sri Lankan architectural genre:
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