This paper describes an assessment of noise caused by railway traffic in a large Latin American city. Measurements
were taken of noise levels generated by trains passing through residential neighborhoods with and without
blowing their horns. Noise maps were also calculated showing noise pollution generated by the train traffic. In
addition - annoyance of the residents - affected by railway noise, was evaluated based on interviews. The measurements
indicated that the noise levels generated by the passage of the train with its horn blowing are extremely high, clearly
exceeding the daytime limits of equivalent sound pressure level - Leq = 55 dB(A) - established by the municipal laws No
10.625 of the city of Curitiba. The Leq = 45 dB (A) which is the limit for the night period also are exceeded during the
passage of trains. The residents reported feeling affected by the noise generated by passing trains, which causes
irritability, headaches, poor concentration and insomnia, and 88% of them claimed that nocturnal noise pollution
is the most distressing. This study showed that the vast majority of residents surveyed, (69%) believe that the noise of
the train can devalue their property.
Keywords: Noise pollution, Railway noise, Noise measurements, Noise mapping, Environmental noise