NOTICE: Huntley Village Stores would like to draw customers’ attention to the information below. During the holiday season, we will be operating according to a revised opening schedule. Please note the following changes to the opening hours: * On Saturday, 23 December and Sunday, 24 December, we will be staying open later than usual, closing at 8 pm to give you a chance to finish that last minute Christmas shopping. * From Monday, 25 to Wednesday, 27 December, the store will be closed. * The store will revert to __________ opening hours (8am – 7pm) on 28 December, 29, and 30, but will be closing at 6pm on 31December, and will be closed on New Year’s Day. * From January 2nd we will be back to our regular hours. Thank you for shopping at Huntley Village Stores. - - Choose the word to complete the sentence.