GDM is a common medical problem that results from an increased severity of insulin resistance as well as an impairment of the compensatory increase in insulin secretion. Pregnancy, in essence, serves as a metabolic stress test and uncovers underlying insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction. GDM is associated with a variety of maternal and fetal complications, most notably macrosomia.
Controversy surrounds the ideal approach for detecting GDM, and the approaches recommended for screening and diagnosis are largely based on expert opinion. Controlling maternal glycemia with MNT, close monitoring of blood glucose levels, and treatment with insulin if blood glucose levels are not at goal has been shown to decrease fetal and maternal morbidities. In addition, certain types of exercise appear to have potential benefits in women without any contraindications.
Other treatment modalities, such as oral agents, need further study to validate their safety and efficacy. Additionally, more research on the use of antepartum fetal assessment to help guide treatment in women with GDM is needed.
Finally, postpartum management of women with GDM is critical because of their markedly increased risk of type 2 diabetes in the future.
GDM is a common medical problem that results from an increased severity of insulin resistance as well as an impairment of the compensatory increase in insulin secretion. Pregnancy, in essence, serves as a metabolic stress test and uncovers underlying insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction. GDM is associated with a variety of maternal and fetal complications, most notably macrosomia.Controversy surrounds the ideal approach for detecting GDM, and the approaches recommended for screening and diagnosis are largely based on expert opinion. Controlling maternal glycemia with MNT, close monitoring of blood glucose levels, and treatment with insulin if blood glucose levels are not at goal has been shown to decrease fetal and maternal morbidities. In addition, certain types of exercise appear to have potential benefits in women without any contraindications.Other treatment modalities, such as oral agents, need further study to validate their safety and efficacy. Additionally, more research on the use of antepartum fetal assessment to help guide treatment in women with GDM is needed.Finally, postpartum management of women with GDM is critical because of their markedly increased risk of type 2 diabetes in the future.
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