if you search for the presence of folk life we suggest you to experience local life at Kad mua kad mua is more general in meaning referring to a market held at a particular business time. in earlier kad mua was not only where people bought and sold things but also a place where anyone could display their craftsmanship and local wisdom including such religious ceremonials as the tan Gouy Salak festival (where merit-making ceremonies are held for ancestors and the deceased) hence kad was not only a market selling food and household it items but a kind of gallery where local artisans could practice their skill. Urban life has by now penetrated almost all areas with its modernity and western ways and changing life styles. Convenience shops supermarkets and department stores have arrived To bring back the life of Kad Mua the Chiang Mai Municipality and some groups of people have organized Kad Mua with the aim of involving a new, younger generation.