What is globalisation?
„An English princess and her Egyptian lover perish in a car
crash inside a French tunnel while traveling in a German vehicle
with a Dutch engine driven by a Belgian, who had earlier had a sip
of Scottish whisky and was trying to elude their Italian paparazzi
pursuers driving a Japanese motorbike. She is subsequently
administered CPR by an American paramedic using Brazilian
pharmaceuticals.And this text was written by a Filipino operating on technology
patented by Bill Gates, who had borrowed it from the Japanese. And
you're probably sitting there reading this on a clone of the American
IBM that depends heavily on Taiwanese hardware and has a Korean
monitor assembled by Bangladeshi workers at a Singaporean
factory, transported by truck by Indians, stolen in an ambush
orchestrated by Indonesians and finally sold to your country of
residence by the Chinese.
THAT is globalization!”