Chapter 4: Findings
Description of the Sample
There are approximately 35 CRNAs, 15 MDAs and 30 PACU RNs working within the operating room and PACU at AGMC. These numbers also include part-time, per diem, and afternoon and night shift personnel. Each department was asked to complete a survey rating their satisfaction with postoperative handoff communication. The anesthesia department had a 50% response rate with surveys collected from 22 CRNAs, 2 MDAs (physician anesthesiologists) and one survey from an individual who didn’t identify whether they were a CRNA or MDA. Of the PACU nurses, 17 completed the survey for a 57% response rate. Table 1 provides the position, experience and range of professional licensing for the sample.
Table 1: Description of the Sample:
Demographic Descriptors MDA/ CRNA RN-PACU Not reported ______
Number 2/22 17 1 (MDA/CRNA) Years in current position
1-5 5 (20%) 0
6-10 5 (20%) 4 (23%)
11+ 14 (56%) 6 (35%)
No response 1 (4%) 7 (59%)
Years since licensure
1-5 1 (4%) 0
6-10 3 (12%) 0
11+ 18 (72%) 10 (59%)
No response 3 (12%) 7 (41%)
MDA = physician anesthesiologist; CRNA = certified registered nurse anesthetist; RN-PACU= registered nurse-post-anesthesia care unit
Survey Question Results Anesthesia Department
The majority of the Anesthesia Department which consisted of 84% (n=21), is satisfied with handoff communication since the implementation of a standardized handoff form. In fact, 80% (n=20) or higher of the respondents agreed with all the questions on the survey except for