China aster (Callistephus chinensis) is an annual
flower which belongs to the family Asteraceae and is native
to China (Navalinskienė et al., 2005). As a traditional
flower in Myanmar, it has been widely grown as an
ornamental plant. Recently, flower virescence symptoms in
China aster plants have been frequently observed in several
fields of the Yezin area. The symptoms usually start with
the emergence of new yellow leaves during the vegetative
growth stage, followed by the leaf petiole turning upright
with the clustering of leaves, and then the affected plant
stops growing and it becomes stunted. At the later stage
of plant growth, some flowers show green petals instead
of their normal color. Occasionally, all flowers turn green
(Figure 1). The development of such symptoms is usually
attributed to phytoplasma, cell wall-less plant pathogenic
prokaryotes (Lee et al., 2000). Therefore, the present
study was undertaken to determine the presence of the
phytoplasma associated with flower virescence in China
aster and to classify it.
China aster (Callistephus chinensis) is an annualflower which belongs to the family Asteraceae and is nativeto China (Navalinskienė et al., 2005). As a traditionalflower in Myanmar, it has been widely grown as anornamental plant. Recently, flower virescence symptoms inChina aster plants have been frequently observed in severalfields of the Yezin area. The symptoms usually start withthe emergence of new yellow leaves during the vegetativegrowth stage, followed by the leaf petiole turning uprightwith the clustering of leaves, and then the affected plantstops growing and it becomes stunted. At the later stageof plant growth, some flowers show green petals insteadof their normal color. Occasionally, all flowers turn green(Figure 1). The development of such symptoms is usuallyattributed to phytoplasma, cell wall-less plant pathogenicprokaryotes (Lee et al., 2000). Therefore, the presentstudy was undertaken to determine the presence of thephytoplasma associated with flower virescence in Chinaaster and to classify it.
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