Given the more stable political situation and ongoing government economic stimulus initiatives, Thailand’s overall macroeconomic environment is expected to improve in 2015. Accelerated budget disbursements, more positive consumer sentiment, increased private sector and public sector investments, improved inflation trends, and improved tourism sector with a targeted 10-12 per cent year-on-year growth in international arrivals and domestic tourism are all key factors to enable Thailand to achieve more positive economic growth in 2015. However, while overall 2015 global economic growth is expected to be marginally better than in the previous year, some key uncertainties remain regarding the full recover of major economies – such as the European Community, Japan, China and Russia. Therefore, full year 2015 gross domestic product growth of 2.5-3.5 per cent year-on-year together with full year export growth of 1.5-2.5 per cent year-on-year are expected.
A corresponding positive growth in advertising media spending is projected for full year 2015, driven by expected increased consumption of consumer goods, automobiles, new houses and condominiums, travel and lifestyle interests, and telecoms products and services, combined with the ongoing increase in the popularity of digital media, outdoor advertising, and the emerging digital TV media segment coming into its first full year of operation. However, a continuing downward trend is expected for the print media segment in favour of digital media, as new technology and mobile applications and new smart devices become increasingly available and more affordable.