Nevertheless, some nuances will remain, and the stars actively recommend for the Aries to pay special attention to this. Otherwise, it is quite likely that such problems will appear that the Aries cannot even dream of. First, you should not forget about Saturn for a second, a planet responsible for the “fall” of the House of Aries. The ruler of time will definitely help the Aries to make the same mistakes the second and even the third time. In terms of the powerful exhales of negative energy, Saturn may be joined by the Black Moon, the planet-antagonist of the Moon, a planet-exalt of Aries. By the way, a true battle will emerge here, the result of which will depend on the Aries themselves. At the same time, Mars – the planet-ruler of the House of Aries, will try to protect the work direction from negative circumstances as a planet-ruler of this House. Venus, usually responsible for the “expulsion” of Aries, will change the direction of its energy and will aid it in the love front.