The blended fungal mycelium suspension was diluted 1:4 (v/v) with
1.33% (w/v) sodium alginate in distilled water. This mixture was dripped into
0.25 mol CaCl2to form gel beads of 3-5mm. The beads were then sifted and
air-dried to yield pellets. The dried pellets were ground and the resulting
powder contained about 1 × 10
propagules/g. Alginate pellets were also
prepared for the control experiment. The fungal suspension emulsion
comprised 0.5 g (1% w/v) mycelium-alginate-powder, 75 ml (15% v/v) corn
oil, 15 ml (4% v/v) of an emulsifier soybean lecithin and 500 ml (80%) water
(Shabana, 1996). For comparison of pathogenicity, a suspension of fungal
propagules was then liberally applied to the surface of plants in the field using
a hand-sprayer. A control experiment was carried out simultaneously using
formulation without fungal propagules and water.