Types of Head Flattening To Look For
We commonly think of a "flat spot" on baby's head being on side of the back of the skull. "He has a flat spot on the right side," is what a parent might report. But it's important to also be aware that Plagiocephaly isn't always asymmetrical.
Brachycepahly is a type of Plagiocephaly in which there is generalized flattening across the whole back of the skull. Often you see some bulging or fullness of the forehead and/or widening of the skull, particularly noticeable just above the ears. This is a very common skull deformity seen in babies who sleep in a Rock 'n Play. I wish I had a quarter for every parent who said, "My baby slept in a Rock 'n Play and doesn't have a flat head," but whose child actually does have Brachycephaly. Here are some tips for transitioning your baby from sleeping in baby gear to sleeping flat.
Scaphocephaly is a type of Plagiocephaly in which the head is narrow and elongated. This is particularly common in premies who spent a lot of early days in the sidelying position in the NICU.